
Sunday, March 22, 2009


Last night I was busy with my seminar.Only thing in my mind was not to include so much in-depth technical details that I have found on many websites about the topic(MPEG-7). I am putting it here for all. I think you'll surely LIKE it if you have some seminar in next some days...............NJOI!!!!!!!!


Please let me know whether its good or bad..............just comment down.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

My Poetic Accent#6:CRUEL GOD

Cruel God!
Making soil barren;
Cleaning good beings;

Civilizing merciless barbers.

Wild God!
Drinking red blood;

Enjoying on our suffers;
Denying making life painless.

Selfish God!
Exporting the poison;
Excluding the valid juices;
Dishonoring the holy ground.

Pessimist God!
Breaking his own house;
Killing his personal populace;
Still not confessing be disruptive.

Low God!
Arrogant on his convictions;
without including any knowledge;
Telling divine beings are mediocre;

Misguided God!
Making noises with guns;
Without listening underneath;
Receiving tragical end........

I am not at all dishonoring God in any way but sorry to say that many evil POWERS are just alive today because they use the name of holy God!!!!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Every night I remain lonely, thou,
Every night these distances collide.
Every night I feel the new bond.
Every night we hang on phone line.
Every night I propose you.
Every night you agree to.
Every night I feel your aroma.
Every night I feel new breath.
Every night I get under your arms.
Every night I finger your hairs.
Every night nose touches your dimple.
Every night I feel your lips.
Every night I kiss your eyes.
Every night I sense your heartbeats.
Every night I bestow you my worship.
Every night I give you my life.
Every night we get hands in hands.
Every night we spend together.
Every night we fall in fresh devotion.
Every night I feel same wind of love.
Every night I feel you crawling.
Every night your grace becomes my bed.
Every night I do not “dead to the world”.
Every night I coz, become “daydreamer”.

Friday, March 6, 2009

My Poetic Accent #4::i would have come back.......

Well this time some Hindi poem written by me for all of you.i have written this poem one year before when i was in a very dejected condition and again for the last 20 days same is happening with me.Feeling alone in this big big big world(though i have almost everything fine)...............................

बंजर जमीन पर खिल उठती हरियाली,
थोडा खून पसीना तो किया होता|
मैं आ जाता वापिस होने को तुम्हारा,
इक बार दिल से बुलाया तो होता||

टूटने को होता नहीं दिल,
एक कोना पर दुखता तो है|
नहीं आते आँखों मैं आंसू,
गला पर फिर भी भरता तो है||
हो न सके आसमां-ओ-जमीं के हम,
लेकिन दिल में अपने समाया तो होता|
मैं लौट आता वापिस होने को तुम्हारा,

इक बार दिल से बुलाया तो होता||

नादान सागर मैं उठी दुःख की लहरें,
पतवार कहीं मेरी खो गई|
पास मैं आया तुम्हारे जितना,
दूरियाँ बढती उतनी गई||
थाम लेते हम लहरों को भी,
कश्ती में अपनी बिठाया तो होता|
मैं लौट आता वापिस होने को तुम्हारा,
इक बार दिल से बुलाया तो होता||

लौट आऊंगा फिर मैं बसंत में,
वादियाँ बहार फिर हो जाएँगी|
पर वो कली अभी लाऊं कहाँ से,
कभी जो चमन में आयेगी||
कारवां बसंत पतझड़ न बनता,
गर बागबाँ ने दगा दिया न होता|
मैं आ जाता वापिस होने को तुम्हारा,
इक बार दिल से बुलाया तो होता||

(March 5th, 2008)

And below is the TRANSLATED English version of the poem for my all non-Hindi readers.Please comment all positive-negative point(s) if any in the translation(as i am bad with English grammar.):

Green would have yielded on drought,
if some blood had sweated out.
I would have come back to you,
once if you had called from your spirit.

Heart is not meant for breakage,
but some corner still feels hurt.
No tear comes outside eyes,
but still there is throat puree.
Neither sky no earth was for me,
couldn’t you try beneath me in heart.
I would have come back to you,
once if you had called from your spirit.

Immature sea got gloomy waves,
got lost somewhere Helm of mine.

The more I come closer to you,
distances were more and more grown.

We would have taken hold on the waves,
if I had gotten a seat on your boat.
I would have come back to you,
once if you had called from your spirit.

Then I will return in the spring,
green waves will be out again.
But where I get that buddy at moment,
which will come after you in my square?
Spring would not have transpired the autumn,
if gardener had not cheated me.
I would have come back to you,
once if you had called from your spirit.

(March 5th,2009)